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Madeeah Oranchak

Madeeah Oranchak

My name is Madeeah Oranchak I am a member of the soccer and track and field team here at SUNY Delhi and someone who has had an impact on me and I view as a role model is my EOP counselor Jonathan Annan. Mr. Annan’s constant positive attitude and calm mindedness is something I hope to achieve one day. Everyone has bad days but with him you’d never know it. He focuses on the important things and situations he can control. I myself struggle with those things and hope to gain the skills that would help me take control over things I have power with. I am not sure if he realizes or knows but he is slowly teaching me these skills in many ways. Mr. Annan’s door is always open and whenever I am stressed, going through something or just need to vent he is always there and offers the best advice. He reminds me to stay calm and look at the overall bigger picture, what do I need to do, how do I need to react and what do I have control over. His calm demeanor and positive reassurance is what inspires me. Though some may consider those things small for a person like me they are very big and inspire me in many ways. They inspire me to continue to push through whatever hardship life throws my way, they inspire me to change for the better; not only myself but those around me and lastly, they inspire me to want to gain the strength and peace of mind for myself overall. EOP is a family I have gained here while attending SUNY Delhi and I will forever be PROUD TO BE EOP!