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Kaitlyn Quezada

Kaitlyn Quezada

Q_ What is your name?

A_ Kaitlyn Quezada

Q_ How old are you?

A_ 18

Q_ What sport do you play?

A_ Swimming & Diving

Q_ Tell me about your core values.

A_ Try my best and motivate others to try their best.

Q_ Tell me about your identity other than being an athlete.

A_ I am a sister of three siblings, I am a daughter that tries her best for her parents, I am a friend.  I like to read, I like to do photography, I have a lot of photos that I am very proud of on my Instagram page @kqlense. I started taking photos with my phone at 14, then my parents got me a camera for my birthday. I like animals, I love dogs. I went to BOCES for Veterinary Science where I learned about SUNY Delhi’s program, so I am now in Delhi as a freshman majoring in Vet Sci.  I am allergic to cats, but I push through every time I am working with them and I think it showcases how professional I am. 

Q_ What is something you think is important and guide your life?

A_ Swimming is very important to me, I started at 10 years old, I did high school varsity swimming in high school. Focusing on different technique to better my stroke is also important.