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Jessica Shultis

Jessica Shultis

Q_ What is your name?

A_ Jessica Shultis 

Q_ How old are you?


Q_ What sport do you play?

A_ Soccer (Women)

Q_ Tell me about your core values.

A_ Family, I have learned that at the end of the day your family is going to be there for you. Honesty, If you are honest and upfront, then everything is already out on the table so you will not run into any unexpected situation.

Q_ Tell me about your identity other than being an athlete.

A_ Other than being an athlete I am a friend, I am always available to talk, I support my friends and I am very reliable. I am a student, I senior in Culinary Arts Management.

Q_ What is something you think is important and guide your life?

A_ My family, my friends, I rely on my family and friends a lot so I wouldn't be where I am without them.