1963-'64 Men's Soccer Team

1963-'64 Men's Soccer Team

Soccer debuted at SUNY Delhi in 1963 in spectacular fashion with the team completing its inaugural season undefeated. What the team lacked in experience it made up for with enthusiasm and emerging skills. Spectators were enthralled and the teamwork laid a solid foundation for the future of the college's soccer program. Business professor and first-time coach Eugene Whitney inspired a close-knit team of young Broncos, many of whom were new to the sport. "The Delhi Tech Booters" featured a strong defense which held the opposition on average to less than one goal per game. The Broncos' undefeated season featured victories over Oneonta State 5-1, Cobleskill 1-0, Keystone Junior College 3-0 and Bard College 3-2. Scoring was well distributed among the Bronco forwards.

Team members: Captain Lynn E. Elliott, Paul M. Anish, John P. Betchick, Gerald N. Churchill, Frank J. Cosentino, Jay C. Cummings, Robert C. Hodge, Stanley Hulbert, Brian McGrath, Henry M. Miller, Charles Morgante, Richard V. Smith, John Somers, Anthony W. Sylstra, Robin W. Turner, Donnelly C. Whitehead, Harry Wilkerson and Richard H. Wilson.